About Us

MBR is an online and print magazine offering in-depth literary, political and cultural analysis from a base of talented and thoughtful writers. Our aim is to launch political, philosophical and cultural conversations.

The MBR is organised into four sections. Reviews offer articles with their roots in books but their branches examine an array of fields. Thinkpieces present perspectives and analysis with more freedom and nuance than the traditional opinion column. Sharepieces are personal material in the form of first-hand experiences, interviews and case studies. International Affairs articles provide insight into global issues which are overlooked in dominant British media discussions.


The Morocco Bound Review was born out of the Morocco Bound Bookshop, a unique, independent book and beer shop in Bermondsey, SE London. Founded in September 2019, Morocco Bound has become a hub for readers, writers, artists and musicians. Witnessing the variety of backgrounds and interests of MB frequenters brought a team of MB fans to create the MBR for these conversations and ideas to be shared.


Through collaboration, hard work and enthusiasm, ourselves we began developing the MBR in December 2020. This was made possible through the support and generosity of friends of the shop with talent in the areas of graphic design, web development, editorial, social media, marketing and illustration. We are proud to be able to say that the Morocco Bound Review is a collaborative, independent and inclusive magazine, run by an entirely unpaid team.

Online & Print

In February 2021, the Morocco Bound Review website was launched. Its structure is designed to be straight-forward and accessible, so readers and writers can focus on the content of each article.

In July 2021, our first print copy was published, followed by our second in February 2022. They are sold exclusively at Morocco Bound, but also available to order online.


The MBR hosts live talks in the format of conversations followed by Q&As and discussion with attendees. The aim of these events is to make expert knowledge accessible. Visit Eventbrite to sign up for email updates.

Email: moroccoboundreview@gmail.com

Address: 1a Morocco Street, Bermondsey, London SE1 3HB